well anyway, life without a phone has been a good experience. it has taught me that there are more important things in life than having a phone at your constant beckoned call everyday, all day. you don't need a phone to have fun in life, and you could contact your friends through other ways. even though it is great having a cellphone to use for questions or to chat with others, and it is handy when you go out, i have learned to live without one. it's been okay actually. i get to see the world in a new light. haha. well of course i still want a new phone, i mean, i don't want to be stuck in a mall having a hard time of contacting someone. hehe. i don't know when i'll be getting a new one though, i haven't asked my parents since i don't think they'd approve me buying one anyway. i'm hoping of getting one soon though, hehe. for now, i'm content with chatting and having a FEW phone conversations.
april 1. also called april fools day. i had a laugh upon reading pepe's blog who did an april fools joke. lol. oh, neopets also did one, though it convinced few. they removed the joke hours later though, probably due to people complaining on the chat boards. haha. anyway, i picked up my classmates from mount mcdo in town at 7:45 (i was a bit late since i got addicted to need for speed 2 in the play station. lol) and was relieved to see classmates there. it's a little traumatizing coming back to the same place where you got robbed 2 days before. ahaha. anyway, all of them (alfred, francis, mark, dom, jebi, johann) except rodney were there. rodney arrived minutes later with his starex. we left town at around 8:10 and travelled (parang ang layo eh) to my house. upon arriving, the first thing we did was to play the ps2. ahaha. we played tekken 5 for a while and used the pc to chat, check sites out, and view some *ehem* folders. oh, rodney downloaded me some programs to remove ads and other bad shit from my computer. hooray, the stupid incredifind virus thing is gone! finally. we then played billiards and other things at home, then ate lunch. we played basketball in the afternoon, with only rodney and alfred staying at home. rodney practiced his tekken moves. ahaha. we stayed in the court for 3 hours, meeting this guy named chino while playing. at first, i was apprehensive again, since i just got mugged days before for talking with people i don't know. good thing we didn't get robbed this time. lol. anyway, basketball was fun. i got to move my muscles once again. we came home at around 6 and ate merienda. we talked about the series in axn, lost, which i want to watch now that i've learned it has an exciting and mysterious plot. the rest of the day was spent just playing ps2 again, and watching tv. some of us, including me, watched friends, while the others played monopoly. after about an hour, we came to the sleeping room and watched scary movie 1 and 2. hehe. the monopoly game ended, but sleeping became a problem. we began to just talk about weird things and that got us awake until 2-2:30 am until we finally were able to shut down our system.
april 2. we woke up early, and rodney didn't puke! lol. yehey. we ate breakfast, and then played tekken again. the other guys then swam in the pool, while i waited for the others to arrive from town. they (michael, chio, gliza, isaw, bea, binky, manda, jackie, sarah) arrived at around 9 am that day, and i with michael joined the other guys in the pool while the girls played billiards. after swimming, we took a bath and the girls with chio played cranium. we ate lunch together with michael playing the piano. haha. the girls with some of the guys played monopoly while we went to the court again to play basketball and badminton. it was nice to get to play with dom in badminton, even though we (johann and i) were of course, beaten badly. haha. when we got home, we took a bath and then i and johann played table tennis. as the night came, we watched bbc intently, as videos from vatican city were shown, and they were updating the condition of the pope. we talked about many things, the most noticeable being the conversation about the pope. then we played billiards while some played badminton on the street, and some sang using the magic sing. it was fun hearing them sing, lol. btw, on the billiards game, my brother jaren actually beat us twice. =)). luck or skill? i still say luck. ahaha.
as you all know by now, his holiness Pope John Paul II passed away yesterday, April 4, 2005. he was a great pope, not only because he was very spiritual indeed, not because he was charismatic and a great linguist, but because of his humongous effort to erradicate communism in his homeland, and to bridge the gap between different religions. i have been watching cnn for 2 days straight, and i have been touched by his greatness. it's a shame i never got to meet the pope, never seeing him here in the philippines nor having the chance to go to vatican city. from the stories i have heard from different people that actually met him, just his presence changed their lives forever. he had a great influence on history's events over the past quarter of a century. he was the pope during the times of great improvements in technology, and he flourished through this, often coming up with ways to reach out to people better. he was a great servant of God, and is now with the Creator. all i ask is that we all pray for him. thank you for everything, Pope John Paul II.
anyway, today i think nearly half of my former class (sophomore-c) went to the lsyc retreat. my other classmates, meanwhile, went to bea andaya's house in tagaytay. i didn't come to tagaytay today, so i'm pretty much alone on the internet. no one has been online as far as i know, except sam, rodney, and steph. this is until april 6, so stuck at home basically. i will be spending my time just watching tv (most likely cnn and the pope) and using the ps2. to all my former classmates, i hope you have fun in your trips! enjoy. =)
lately i've been addicted to the play station again. due to boredom, i've spent my time just playing new games. tekken 5 was lent to me by johann, and we played it over the weekend, so i've become really interested in the game. lol. i want to finish the game as soon as possible so what do you expect? hehe. oh, also, mark forgot to get his need for speed underground 2 again here, so i'm spending time with that game too. it's nice to get to have your own car, even if it is only imaginary, and do whatever you want with it, often using different parts to modify and strengthen the look and feel of your car. well, that's actually my summer so far. still no summer activity, though i think i'd be taking badminton in la salle canlubang nearby. hehe.
i've been watching a lot of tv over the summer. lately, i've been sticking to american idol and the amazing race. as for american idol, i'm glad that my favorite is still there. go carrie underwood! (spl? ahaha) and constantine. whee. rob and amber are still in the amazing race so go them! hehe. yesterday, i watched formula 1 in bahrain. the race was great, with many cars retiring because of problems mainly due to the extreme heat offered by the desert track. i'm happy that michelin was great yesterday, making the top 8 all michelin drivers. as for my favorite, kimi raikkonen, he got 3rd place! go mclaren! and pedro de la rosa, filling in for montoya, got 5th! he excited me from the get-go. it was a great race all in all, and i'm happy i got to watch it.
perfection is an impossibility for us humans. no one is perfect in this world. all of us have our blemishes, and everything has flaws, but we could make the most of our nice qualities, and live the most out of our lives. this is what pope john paul II did in his life. he was tireless in his efforts to revive the spirit of the catholics in the world, to remind them of their faiths, and to be an inspiration for all christians. i wish everyone would be like that. in relation to perfection, a formula 1 car always strives to be near perfect, to win races and win championships. they want to be as close to being perfect as possible. things in life are just like that. our goal is to be as near perfect as possible, or in other words, to be as similar as God as possible. i admire those who do this in their lives. in a lighter note, SHE is as near perfect as i could ever imagine. haha. anyway, take care everyone.
thank you (again) for inivting us over... it was more than a million times better than staying home doing nothing.
so back to boredom! after a few days lalabas na naman kaya masaya! just bear with it.
as usual, halos walang online ngayon.. haha, boring!
alfred, at April 05, 2005 7:34 PM
i love lost!! hahaha astig yung plot. and i like carrie also (and anwar and everyone!). pati rob and amber. tas nanalo na rin si kimi, finally. =))
obvious na tv addict rin. wehehehe. you got mugged? kami rin dati when we were in 5th grade. hahaha. bad memories. anyways, tc & happy summer :P
hopia, at April 05, 2005 10:51 PM
maganda nga lost.. nood kayo! haha. saya nga sa bahay mo, sana makabalik uli.. oi nagoonline ako ah! di lang tayo nagkakaabutan.. haha.
Anonymous, at April 06, 2005 11:24 AM
soooobrang haba. sorry di ko bnasa lahat haha nakakatamad na =p
Anonymous, at April 07, 2005 5:34 PM
binasa ko 3/4 ng blog mo...haba kasi kya ndi ko na binasa yung ibang parts...hehe! dapat kasi naglsyc ka! lsyc ka next yr ah!!! masaya magretreat! :) hihi! tnx sa pnapnta mo kami sa haus m...saya tlga! sana maulit
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