school is just around the corner and i can't help but feel sad. i love every summer that comes along, even if i don't leave the house too often, because it's the only time for me to relax my brain, sleep, and play all day. ever since i was young, summer has been the time where i get to see and use a lot of things in my house i haven't seen or used in a year's time because of the busy tasks in school. as you might already know, i'm very, very stressed when it's school time, because i easily panic and get pessimistic about things. haha. while when it's summer, i don't have any problems to deal with, and i'm usually more at peace. so pimples, headaches, and the like go away. basically, i'm happier when i'm at home. haha. and now, with just 18 days to go until school starts, i'm starting to feel uneasy again. i'm losing my freedom from work, and at the same time, i realize that for the first time in 7 years, i will see different faces once i step into the classroom. it's a completely different feeling. lets not get away from the fact that i only have my books right now, NO NOTEBOOKS. (i don't know if we should buy notebooks or not, it's not in the freaking list =)) ). sorry, hindi ko talaga alam. haha. so i only have books, a bag, and uniforms that might not fit me anymore (i am definitely heavier now). i have no shoes, no notebooks, and no brain power. haha. this year is definitely going to be a unique one, and i just hope that by the time it starts, i'm ready.
my dad was on leave from monday-wednesday. he finally took a break from work. gahd. he's too much of a workaholic (spl), if you ask me. i don't think i'll be that rigorous with work when i start working. you see, he accepts extra jobs that have no extra pay. T_T. he has enough to deal with already, and his boss assigns him with all these extra tasks with no incentive whatsoever. owel. he's having a hard time handling these and balancing his time. hopefully, the ayala hotels get sold to other companies already so his "temporary extra work" would be over. anyway, finally he took a break. by break, that means staying at home while using the laptop to email and using his phone constantly to contact his officemates =)). but we did, get some time together. we went to alabang country club and atc last tuesday, buying things that we needed. we ate in acc (it was the first time we got to see the new eating place because we hadn't gone there for a while), viewed ica school again T_T (i don't know why they're trying to buy that place), and stayed in town until we watched a movie with my mom when she came from work. the other times, my dad spent his time just sleeping at home. thank god he got some rest.
oh, hopefully we'll get to go to fontana on friday. my dad has this company outing thing there, and maybe he could get us to join, yehey. i haven't been there in 2 years so it'll be fun. plus, i'll get to swim again! haha. and maybe even do karting. wait, friday's tomorrow na pala. haha. anyway, i posted some pictures of my trip to boracay and ek already, you could view them by clicking on my multiply link there on the sidebar. they're not complete yet though, as i'm too lazy to upload pictures. i'll try to finish that later though. =)
we'll be going to the dentist again later this afternoon, so i won't get to watch american idol. haha. i really hope carrie doesn't go out though, i really liked her performances yesterday. would anyone be kind enough to tell me the results later? anyway, after the dentist, we'll be going to my mom's office until she finishes work. then finally, we'll go to greenbelt to watch star wars! woohoo. =)). my countdown's finally complete! hooray! i even watched again star wars 4: a new hope last night just so i could connect 3 to 4 tonight. haha. i'm addicted to it once again. aww. it always happens.
i finally got my phone some images, themes, games, and the like. i used my dad's usb card reader to transfer them from computer to phone and vice versa for backup. thank god i found a way =)) i thought before that the mmc card wouldn't fit in the card reader so i never tried it until this monday. so now, i'm happy. haha. of course, there was a temporary setback when my sounds folder wouldn't work, as i think i did something to damage the folders. lol. but after a few tweaks, i got it working again. yay. oh, we have sims 2 already! woohoo. after writing this entry will be my first time playing though, as my brother has been hogging it since yesterday. it is his birthday gift though, so i can't really complain now, can i? haha. but anyway, it's time to create my very own teen julian and his friends =)).
oh, i think one of our household helpers is going. weird. i don't know why, but our "main helper" kept on telling us that the other one was leaving today. to quote her "iiwanan na kayo ni ***-***, wala namang tatagal sa inyo eh". T_T. whatever. if you only knew the url of my other site, you'd see my feelings towards them. but i haven't done anything to them anyway, to make them angry, so why must they always scold us T_T. maybe it's their way of getting back at my parents? weird. i just hope that the helper leaving us isn't going to steal any of our possessions. haha.
my dad needs a break too! as in desperately. he's crankier and shit because of his work. he even works on his comp until 2 am...and he's not even bringing home a million bucks!
anyway, out si vonzell. BOO CARRIE :-& yak bleaargh =))
Anonymous, at May 19, 2005 9:31 PM
congratulations on your mission that's accomplished.. good luck with your next mission kung anuman iyon
Anonymous, at May 20, 2005 3:10 PM
or kung meron man
Anonymous, at May 20, 2005 3:10 PM
ako naman i'll start labeling the thousands of unlabelled cds sa kwarto ko tomorrow. haha.
Chio, at May 21, 2005 1:12 AM
i think i have an idea of why your yayas are angry.
they're jealous because their charges are hell of a lot richer than they are.
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