the class outing's finally confirmed. or at least, i think it is. gliza and monique did their best to coordinate and plan the outing, and they talked with the people in different resorts, checking out the amenities, schedules, and availability, and i have to thank them for that. thanks for all the hard work you've continuously given to our class, even if the school year's over already. anyway, the trip's pushing through on may 26, in balai resort in batangas. i'm excited already! though i definitely have to lose weight before that date. lol. anyway, here's the invitation, made by gliza. go gliza!

i watched american idol, wrestlemania, lost, and other tv shows yesterday, as part of my usual busy tv day. allow me to comment. i'm really amazed that anwar had the lowest number of votes in a.i. he was one of my proposed top 5 finalists along with carrie, constantine, vonzell, and bo. too bad he isn't there anymore. i hope my favorites actually go to the final 4. they deserve to be there. i watched lost again yesterday, both in the pc and in tv. (btw, i still love f.r.i.e.n.d.s. okay? hehe.) the volume was poor in the computer, so hearing it from the tv is obviously much better. i liked the episode yesterday more than the previous one. lalang. lastly, wrestlemania 21 wasn't as good as wrestlemania 20 for me. i wasn't really excited, and i caught only glimpses of matches because my parents were forcing me to change channels often. they were watching american idol at the same time. i liked the batista-triple h match, the shawn michaels-kurt angle match, and the match where edge won. they were the only good matches for me. overall i'd rate that wrestlemania an 8/10 for effort.
we went to school earlier today. we were already enrolled, so we figured that paying for the books would be easy. but along the way, confusion was evident between all of us, including my mom who said it was going to be easy (so she didn't come anymore). it turns out, we needed the o.r. of the tuition fees to do some stuff, so we didn't accomplish everything. after a lot of disputes, we finally got over the book problem and went to the uniform section. but this was not before people saw my stupid haircut. lol. oh, i saw alfred, elaine, and binky, yeah, they were the ones who saw T_T. alfred gave me an opportunity for comparison on phones. thanks. anyway, we went to the uniforms and got polos and pants. again, confusion. i think we were a little too noisy so the lady got confused and so problems arose. oh well. we'll be going back to school tomorrow for the id pics and uniforms, since we didn't have enough money and were forced to just reserve the clothes.
afterwards, we went to town. we ate lunch in kfc at 11:15, and then proceeded to powerbooks since it was too early for the movies. i ended up buying "ang alamat ng gubat" by bob ong because i remember bea's blog talking about it. lol. it was just 100 after all. "the rule of four", the book that i was supposed to buy, wasn't available. oh, i was supposed to apply for a powerbooks discount card, and was in the middle of filling up the form when the lady asked me for an i.d. i remembered that my wallet was gone and that all my ids came along with it, so, as you could expect, she just told me to accomplish it at home and give it next time. lol. afterwards, we bought the tickets for "the wedding date", which my siblings wanted to watch desperately T_T. after a bit of timezone, we watched. the movie was okay, i'd give it an 8/10. it wasn't really my mood to be emotional and mushy though, so i wasn't really affected. after the movie, me and my brother went to timezone again while my sister and maid bought ingredients for my sister to bake cookies. i checked out shoes from nike as well. hopefully i'd be able to buy when it's still sale. oh, before we went home, i found out that pcx is a good store to buy essential needs from. lol. i expect to be back there soon.
my sister's cookies were delicious. i had a lot a while ago. lately i've been addicted to chocolate. my dad, coming home from a business trip, brought us a whole pack of toblerone. it's chocolates galore here at home, so i expect to be gaining pounds again. whee. owel, it's summer anyway. tomorrow, i'll be going back to school in the morning, and then go to town to probably (*crosses fingers*) get a new phone. i'll be getting my old number back, yehey! thank God. oh, i hope to buy shoes and the like tomorrow as well. btw, just a thought, have you ever reminisced your childhood favorite tv shows? asha gave me a copy of the power rangers theme song earlier, and i ended up singing along to the song. i still memorize the lyrics! =)). weird.
let's all pray for margie madrigal's family. may she and her family receive the Lord's grace and guidance.
isn't the power rangers theme consisted of only "go go power rangers" and "mighty morphin' power rangers"?
Romeo Moran, at April 23, 2005 11:03 AM
favorite ko power rangers dati =D
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